Social Media - a term which is used most common nowadays and seems to be very associative with human life. Life beyond social media has become unpredictable nowadays. The usage of social media networks and applications has made our lives both easy and disturbed.
No doubt, with the help of social media we are able to connect with our family and friends. We are now able to interact with our foster friends, can build up our businesses, can do charity and even can raise funds. Still, with the development of social media usage, negativity around our life has also increased to a greater extent.
With the overuse of social media, we have lost 'human touch'. If we look back to our previous years, we used to be more connected than today. If there was a sudden demise of any of the family member, we used to feel more sensitive and grieved then, in comparison with today's time. Now instead of being physically present for the condolence, we send only WhatsApp message to the family and update Facebook Timeline. Do not we have enough time to stand in the grief with our family? Or it is more important to check how much 'Facebook Reactions' we have received after updating our Timeline with the same.
Moreover, the 'fake' videos which get 'viral' on Facebook and WhatsApp are the biggest nuisance. They just create negativity and spread rumours. The most affected and impacted segment of these 'fake' videos are of older generation people. This particular segment is usually unaware of the fact that on Internet every click, every view and every sign-up is recorded somewhere. This may give a chance for a cyber crime. Moreover, the maker of these sort of videos get 'undeserved' publicity.
The children and youngsters are not even left from the web of social media. The children are getting more unsocial and introvert as they spend more time on YouTube. Nowadays, more behavioural issues are been reported among the toddlers, as overuse of screen time does affect the mental and emotional health. Among the youngsters, the obsession of getting more 'Likes' and 'Comments' has made this young generation more anxious, depressed and a sufferer of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Close to half the world’s population (3.03 billion people) are on some type of social media . - Disruptive Advertising
According to The Global State of Digital in 2019 Report

Lastly, to conclude, being a social media user, I believe that if social media is used appropriately and moderately then it can be a creative outlet for every business advertising. In addition, it can also be used as a platform for self-expression where individuals can express themselves, share their genuine opinion, and the expression of thoughts. It can be the mode of knowledge generation and it can be served for the betterment of the society.