Your partner’s sperm has met your ovum and now you are Pregnant! As we had mentioned in pregnancy week 2 that once the sperm is able to fertilise an egg, pregnancy starts. From this week onwards, your baby will start to form and develop.
Fetal Development
Within the hours of fertilisation, an egg, which is now a zygote, moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. This zygote is now divided into 16 identical cells. These cells are somewhere yellowish in colour and are known as Corpus Luteum. These cells will produce required pregnancy hormones which are progesterone and estrogen to support your pregnancy until ten weeks until the placenta is completely formed.
The movement from the fallopian tube to the uterus can take six days, hence implantation starts from the 4th week. The size of your baby is like a pinhead and to be termed as a blastocyst. From this stage, the middle of the cell will become an embryo and amniotic sac. The outer part of the cell mass will turn into the placenta.
Moods & Symptoms
When you are three weeks pregnant, you may not see or observe any visible symptoms because, during an early stage of pregnancy, the level of progesterone and estrogen are not good enough to give you the visible changes. However, you may check for the following symptoms:
Change in the sense of smell - You may observe that you have become more sensitive towards any smell; this is due to an increased level of estrogen. Therefore, a minute level of smell will appear to be huge to your senses. This symptom can be an early sign which indicates that your body is getting ready to carry a baby. This symptom will continue for a few weeks followed by morning sickness.
Change in taste - This may be due to the changing hormones in your body. This may continue till 24 weeks of pregnancy and hence sipping lemonade will help you to handle this change.
Do’s & Don’ts
Once you have started noticing any visible symptoms or signs, start following some do’s and don’ts so that you can cross the implantation phase successfully.